I may have too many lamps in my own home, (not including those stored in my
I love the surprise element, embraced by some designers, of using BIG overscaled lamps....check them out and let me know what you think?
I love the energy in this room!

Gimme Gray! Designer Steven Gambrel
I love the white ceramic with huge white shades! Fun girlie room.

Getting the idea? Designer Steven Gambrel

Mercury Glass...what's not to love?
And BAM....

Now that's a big lamp....
My foyer favorite....
Not the best pic, see Rance's guitar eqipment? and the lamp shade is turned backwards!! Welcome to my world...love it!
Have a wonderful day! It's gorgeous outside, but you need a gas mask to breathe...pollen count over 9000!
Gorgeous pictures and I love all of the lamps, but the room from Atlanta Home magazine...fabulous!!